Thursday, September 24, 2015

Baby Ballet

Hailey had her Baby Ballet debut today. I learned of this class from another mom at Ethan's swim lessons. I also signed her up for a mom and me swim class. She always feels envious of Ethan when we sit and watch his lessons each week. It's kind of fun to have a chance to do these little classes (like I got to do with Ethan) and spend some one-on-one time with Hailey while Ethan is in school. Classes start as young as 12mos! It is really relaxed, kids and their parent can wear whatever and don't have to sport tutus, buns or ballet shoes. They do little songs too and get out the scarves and tambourines and "twinkle" bears. After each song, she would clap and say "yah!". Love her enthusiasm!

Anyways, Hailey really enjoyed herself and seemed to be a natural!

She never wants to wear things in her hair but had a brief kick where she put this in her hair today:

The class is in Lilliput so we take the 52bus there. We met Margie at the Rockets and Rascals coffee shop nearby afterwards. It was a bike/coffee shop and had a total Ballard Seattle feel to it! It was good to catch up with her after almost a month of travels! Hailey said "Margie" on her own and was pretty proud of herself. 

Next, I tried to bus to Westbourne which involved walking a ways to a bus stop and then transferring to another bus. After some deliberation about where to catch bus two and which side of the road, I waited and waited... Finally 25min. after the scheduled time I gave up thinking I must have missed it in my confusion as to where it was. And of course, when we were half-way between stops, it buzzed by. Then we ditched Westbourne completely and just hung out for a bit in Canford Heights. Got a cupcake, perused some stores and found a cool pirate park nearby. Hailey was in good spirits and we had a really fun day together.

Ethan had some kid that seemed to like him a lot at school today. He kept saying hi/bye to him and told him that he missed him. Ethan told me that it was his best friend Cayden and that he is nice to him. So cute!

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