Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Poole Market

This morning Hailey dumped out not one but two of those mini cereal boxes on the floor and scattered them all around with her hands for fun. Argh, I can't wait until we have her high chair (it is being shipped) and can keep her (and her mess) somewhat contained at mealtime. She is into everything and is getting food all over everything! Ethan was also in a mood like this and I was going crazy. It was a challenge just to keep up with them/put things back. We had to leave because the house-cleaning people were coming to clean the (should have been brief but is looking like at least three weeks now) temporary apartment. No move in date for townhouse still but hopefully soon. Chris is meeting with the landlords tonight which have Lord and Lady titles we recently found out. It's not a super fancy townhouse or anything but we must have good taste. :)

We took the train to Poole to get groceries (these kids eat non-stop
all day long lately) because we were down to nothing. Gotta have snacks to keep the kids content on the go! :) Lucky for us, if happened to be the outdoor market day in Poole and we scored loads of fruit and vegetables for super cheap (bunches of each type of fruit or vegetable was a pound).

Check out all we got for 10 pounds ($15USD). You can tell Ethan is excited too. :)

I'm doing all my shopping on Thursday at the outdoor market from now on. The avocados aren't quite ripe and some of the nectarines and one of the peppers need to be eaten soon but it looked like nice produce! Cheap thrills. :) I'm glad this will be less than half a mile away soon! Ha, that poor stroller was not meant to have so many bags hanging from the handles and was tipping backwards (would have toppled over if I didn't have my hands on the handles pressing the stroller wheels down). Good little arm workout. We waited a long time for the train (it kept getting delayed) while Ethan played with a little boy named Henry. Henry's mom seemed pretty uptight and didn't seem to approve of them playing together but they were having a great time.

I couldn't help but think of Tommy
Boy when Ethan put on Hailey's coat:

Here's a plane with what looks to be a Thomas face outside the grocery store:

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