Thursday, March 19, 2015

Poole Lake Park

Today we walked a mile to Poole Lake Park and hung out with the ducks and swans (pretty but mean little buggers), climbed a tree, played on the playground... 

Ethan made a new little friend at the playground and met several kids. All the moms at this particular park were all done up, I felt a little under-dressed! There is an indoor play area there (like Elevated Sportz minus the trampolines) called the Ark that we will have to pay a visit on a rainy day. We had lunch outside at a kid-friendly Cafe there (it was a nice sunny day today). We sat near these three girlfriends and their kids and I couldn't help but listen to their conversation. Need to make some friends here! :) 

We went out to dinner and drinks at the Cow last night with several of Chris' Boeing coworkers (that are here for varying lengths of time from all different parts of the U.S.) and that was fun. We may join some others (Wimborne folks) tonight at The Olive Branch. 

Ethan was walking very slowly on the mile walk home. He really wanted a Popsicle but settled for some ice cream and managed to speed it up a bit since he couldn't have it until he got home. He keeps spotting people that look like kids he knows at home. And just before his nap he asked when we are going to start traveling. "I thought we were traveling. I like to travel." He's probably referring to "the big road trip" as he likes to call it. Kid after my own heart. Hopefully some family weekend excursions in a few weeks when we get settled in new place and Chris' work slows down a bit (he is working long hours right now and has to work one of the weekend days on the weekend for the next several weeks). 

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