Thursday, August 6, 2015

Obsessions, Last day of school, berries and boxes

Ethan is obsessed with coloring for the past few months (nice little hobby)! I love his colorful style!

Hailey, on the other hand is obsessed with brushing her teeth, she's definitely
developing good hygiene habits. It keeps her busy while I get ready so it works out well. :)

Here is smiley curly girl playing while Ethan is at preschool:

We also went to meet Margie for lunch. Both the kids and myself were all in a really good mood today!

Thursday was Ethan's last day of preschool. I ended up bringing home a tiger:

While E was at preschool, H and I headed to the gym. I tried out the Insanity class-good little workout crunched down into 45min. Altogether I walked 8miles today! (4mi. RT to the gym, 2mi. RT to go pick up E from school and then 2mi. RT to swim lessons). I am worn out!!

Hailey and I were picking blackberries on the walk home which reminded me that we should look into picking berries at some farm around here. And then I was in the mood for baking. We'll have to get on that!

The swim teacher really likes Ethan but yelled at the three kids today and said if people aren't going to listen, next week she will start sending kids home. I don't envy her job, I don't blame her for getting frustrated and always feeling scared that someone is going to drown or something when kids are wandering off, not listening, and the one kid is always going underwater.

Ethan said to me, ""Mom, take a picture! It's going to be beautiful." Ha, okay. :)

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