Hailey was only interested in walking up the slides (What is it with both of my kids being more interested in going up the slide than down?) and up and down the stairs. Ethan got to paint a picture, play on the play equipment outside and with the toys and the big toy kitchen.
There were lots of kids and moms there and several moms were super friendly. And if I didn't have to keep Hailey from maiming herself on the stairs I might have been able to hold an actual conversation. The director was really warm and friendly as well and gave me all the info. on the Old Town location (where we are moving) and other nearby playgroups. She led a circle time with songs--some we knew and others we didn't (a song about a turtle and bubbles?). Ethan told her afterwards that he loved her. I had heard him say "I love that girl over there" but I was assuming it was a little girl his age (not my age or older). Afterwards, everyone gets a free piece of fruit on their way out. Nice!
Here are a few things we tried out today:
Both get my stamp of approval. The Creme Egg biscuits are perfect actually because I usually want about one Creme egg per Easter season and sometimes split it between two sittings since they are so rich. (Although, as a kid, Linda and Chris didn't like them and would give me each of their 3packs from their Easter basket so I used to eat a lot of them.) Anyways, this biscuit form is much less rich and hits the spot.
Ethan has been busy doing the activities and crafts from his Easter Activities book from the Pound Store (love that place-amazing how long he has been occupied). Always the independent one, he decided the color by numbers sheep should be a black sheep instead of white:
Oh, I also saw a fox sunning himself in the wooded area next to our apartment today but he sauntered off before I could snap a picture.
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