Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Never again...

...will I wait until the last minute to buy more diapers. I was hoping we could eek by until Thurs. morning when the shipment of our stuff including 8pkgs of size 3 diapers (which I am wondering if ahhh, she is a size 4 now-she is on some crazy growth spurt). Anyways, we were down to the last diaper and I thought, "oh, we will just go out and get diapers first thing when they wake up". But alas, she woke up at 2am with huge leaking poopy diaper (when does this EVER happen in the middle of the night?). Hailey was screaming and only wants me to hold her lately and Chris was asking where the diapers were (there were none, I had already removed all spare ones from different bags, stroller, etc. Nada.) So Chris and I had to fashion a makeshift diaper with Ethan's underwear, panty liners and a washcloth (which worked pretty well actually). And I went and "slept" in the kids' room--they took turns waking me up just as I got to sleep and I was paranoid about this wonky diaper and Hailey getting soaked.

So then at 6:15am I took a super quick shower and ran to the convenience store which didn't open until 7 (What convenience store doesn't open until 7? That is not convenient!). And then took the car to another store that also didn't open until 7 (Chris was carpooling at 7 so I was super rushed), couldn't find store and got turned around but found another little mini store. Asked them for diapers and they gave me a blank stare. Then I was trying to remember the word they use and said hesitantly... "Nappies?". Ok, that was it. Got them, card wouldn't work, paid cash and then used the train station nearby in the nav system. Only it took me to some dead end streets and then I was on the wrong side of the tracks. But I figured it out and got home at 7:13am. Not too bad, considering... Oh my.

So we laid low today, got stuff a little more organized for move tomorrow and caught up on laundry. Margie came and watched the kids for a few hours while I took the car and ran errands. So nice! I went to the Clinique counter for a specific product (ah, how nice to be able to ask questions and not feel rushed) and the sales lady totally looked me up and down and asked if I was using bronzer (ok, my tinted moisturizer is a smidge darker but not that much!) and said it looked yellow-ish and my face was dry. Ouch. Now that you have me feeling all self-conscious, no, I am still not buying your CC cream. I have two tubes of the other kind I brought to England with me.

Then I went to Argos, this store that reminds me of Sears. Like Sears, they have a huge catalog and carry everything under the sun. It was an interesting setup though. You just go in the store and find what you want to get in the catalog, check availability quick and then write down the item number and go pay for it. They go grab the item (baby/toddler bath) in the back and call your number when your item is ready (was 6min. ETA). Prices seemed really reasonable and it seemed to work pretty well! 

Then I got stuff to fill the kids' Easter baskets and had to hide that bag when I got home. I got home seamlessly in the car this time which seemed like a victory.

Here is Hailey putting down some Cottage Pie (she loved it!):

And playing hide and seek:

Anyways, the moral of the story is that I am never going to wait until the last minute to buy diapers again. :)

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