Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lulworth Castle

The kids woke up at 6am this morning (which apparently is 7am now with the time change). Ha, I had no idea that the rest of the world has their time change weeks later and it is just the U.S. that has the time change weeks earlier? It is a dreary rainy and windy day today but we set out for Lulworth Castle, dressed for the weather (ha, this sort of weather is nothing new for us).  Very pretty castle, much more intact than Corfe Castle. It's a "real castle" as Ethan puts it. There are lots of sheep and lambs running around on the grounds and as you drive up the long driveway. The lambs were so cute-they were chasing each other and even jumping over each other (I had no idea they could jump like that!).

Hailey was being as stubborn as ever and was all mad that Chris didn't let her climb up all the stairs in the tower and throughout the castle (even though she was wobbling around and wasn't quite up to it). 

Ethan marveling at the architecture:

This king's bed is much smaller than today's "king bed":

The washroom (pay no attention to the creepy mannequins-some of the kid ones they used looked like Chucky):

The kitchen (Chris caught me off-guard here):

There weren't very many people in there so the kids could roam around:

On the way home, we stopped briefly at Tesco Extra (a HUGE awesome grocery store and more--they also have clothes and everything else like Fred Meyers). They had a whole huge isle of "family prepared meals"--awesome! I got this cheese sampler that came with 7 different cheeses (on sale for 4 Pounds instead of 8) and some prosciutto and Italian salami. My favorite cheese was the Smoked Viennese one. Chris and I had that with some crap wine from the convenience store and joked that the cheese and meats were to wash down the taste of the wine. We bought some better wines to try from Tesco that we'll tap into next. :) We also got Stella Artois Cider (had no idea they made cider) that was sweet and very good.

We haven't had wifi at this place for 5 days now (in addition to a laundry list of things I won't go into)--counting down until we move in 3days!

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