Monday, June 8, 2015

Swim lessons and some sun-hallelujah!

Ethan's latest creation:

Ethan started swim lessons on Thursday. We had some time to kill between getting him at 1pm and his 3:30pm lesson and it was nice out (finally!) so we went to Poole  Park for a few hours. We might need to make this a weekly thing before swim lessons (if the weather cooperates). 

He loved his swim lessons and already made a lot of progress just by getting all the way in and staying there the whole class. :) He doesn't always follow directions and it was hard for me to not say anything from the side but by the end of the class he was kicking his legs which was good. (Him and another boy had to be split up because they were both goofing off with the swim noodles.) I'm glad he really enjoyed it and is excited about it. He was asking if we could go back tomorrow. 

Hailey did awesome and surprisingly stayed nearby and was content and not wanting to wander off every two seconds. I even got to talk to the other moms on the bench. We may have just gotten lucky this time.

Hailey is a little riot lately. She is suddenly talking up a storm and has personality to boot. She is in the "no" phase but it's so cute when she does her sassy little no that it's hard not to smile. She's a friendly little thing and says hi and bye to just about everyone. :)

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