I must admit, I was pretty excited with Ethan's sudden play dough interest. (Legos and play dough are my two favorites I think.) Ethan's favorite things to make are pancakes and lots of slugs (oh and we did collaborate on a strawberry pie) but I get to make other things, when he deems I can use some of the colors. :)
Gave these a try, they were intriguing but you still can't beat the Hazelnut Whole Nut Cadbury bars:
Check out this awesome car!
They are mesmerized by Curious George:
Hailey has been a bit whiney/tantrum-prone lately. Here she is throwing a fit over not wanting her lunch (several things got thrown on the ground). She was clearly tired:
Box buddies:
Saturday Chris had to work in the morning and got home around 2pm. We biked over to Lilliput for Sonny's Birthday dinner at Sonny and Margie's place and barbecued chicken on the beach. There were 4-5 massive jellyfish washed up on the beach so of course we had to have rocks bounce off of them and poke them with a stick to check out the texture. Margie got a little jeep for Ethan and a Peppa Pig keychain with sound buttons for Hailey. Peppa Pig is hugely popular here (I'm assuming it's a cartoon?) and everything you can think of with Peppa Pig on it is sold all over England. There is even a Peppa Pig theme park nearby. They were laughing saying that it sounded like "Hi, I'm Heather Pig." Laugh it up people, laugh it up. Margie has been traveling for several weeks with friends so it was fun to catch up with her.
Sunday, I said, "Chris, we have to go somewhere!" (The kids and I were getting stir crazy and had been at home and pretty much in High Street area/ran errands all week. Just the usual routine-E's school M-Th, swim lessons, gym, church play date things. Needed to go somewhere in the car!) so we went to Kingston Maurward College for their Open House/Fair at the College. We were really just going there for their Gardens and Animals but we happened to go for this event. They had some cool things for the kids and food vendors, etc. so it was handy.
This milk the cow demo looked pretty cool!
Get on in there Ethan!
Sharing the driving responsibilities:
Checking out the fire truck:
Cool earthy couch (Hailey looks like, "Really? I'm not sitting on this thing!"):
Riding the mini mini steam engine while waving the Union Jack flag:
We were this close to playing croquet but we weren't dressed in white for the occasion! Really, it seemed a bit more formal and I don't think they would appreciate our kids running around on the field, and messing with the wickets and croquet balls. Check out their huge square mallets and wickets!
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