Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Shipping packages

It all started when I was after some tinted moisturiser and face wash (my face is so dry and sensitive to everything else lately) that they didn't sell anywhere here. So when I realized that a $60 Sephora order with just a few makeup items was going to cost $40 in shipping and customs, I opted to send it to my sister to have her ship it instead. It had to be cheaper, right? And then I could make it worth my while and have her ship stuff from REI that I got with our dividend and a bra from Nordstrom I got with my $20 Rewards. (Both of these rewards coupons arrived the week we got to England of course!) And then well, Patagonia had their 50% off sale and if she was shipping a package anyways...  Well, it cost me $61. 75 in shipping which was more than expected but ok, one time thing. But THEN I just got a bill from Poole Depot for £72.49 (approx $109 USD) customs and VAT! WTF? So altogether I will be paying $170.78 in shipping and VAT and customs etc for items totalling $210.59. I can't contest because it is JUST over the taxable amt. for the customs part of it. Had I known I wouldn't have got the Patagonia stuff too. I am considering just refusing the pkg and having it returned since customs/VAT is $109 (over half what I actually paid for the items!). Ugh! I called a few times and I guess I can request a form before we return to file to get back just the £45.15 VAT part of it. Omigosh, never again. Now I know. Had I known, I would have only shipped what I really needed which was the makeup. I am flabbergasted!

Yesterday we went to play group and then went to look at another school for Ethan (would start now and go through July)-I think we'll send him to this other one instead. It's more hands-on, play-based, individualized learning which seems more up Ethan's alley. I was scared about him going to these super structured programs that might not be the best fit (and afternoon timing which is bad for everyone's naps). Either way, starting public school in Sept and going from like 8:45 until 3:30pm every day is going to be quite the shock for Ethan (it doesn't seem like any kids are "held back" here--they are such rule followers. It seems so cut and dry--if they are that age well then they must go to Reception.) Anyways, He seemed to really like it-he just jumped in and started playing like he had been going there for ages (and cried when we had to leave-he didn't want to go and didn't want to give up the toy he was playing with and it was clearly nap time). It seemed really flexible about hours and how often he goes too, which is nice--you just split up the 15hrs how it works best (I think we'll do 9-1 M, W and Th and 9-12 on Tues). I'm hoping that it is the best mix of Ethan being able to last that long, it being enough time for Hailey and I to do some things or go somewhere and Hailey not falling asleep in the stroller on the walk to pick him up and take him home. Plus, we can still all go somewhere together on Fridays since he won't have school that day. After mulling it over, I'm hoping that works best. It's a delicate balance and guessing what will work best for naps is sometimes a crap shoot. My goodness, that would be great if they could both nap at 2 still. Hailey has been a mess lately and falling asleep for 10min or having a 40min. Stroller nap and that is it for the day. She has definitely switched to one nap now and unfortunately it is a challenge for her to make it until the afternoon. Hence no blog posts, no time  when they don't both nap. :)

We stopped by the mall crèche and I called the Everyone Active gym to figure out their rates, classes and hours etc. Yah, I may be able to go to some workout classes once again. Although it is a mile each way to walk Ethan to his  school and then I have to drop Hailey at the mall childcare so it's kind of a hassle but there are hardly any gyms with childcare and none are nearby.

Here are some random pics of Hailey (since she has been hanging out with me while Ethan naps for the past few days):

She built this all by herself:

It was really sweet when Ethan was all upset and frustrated that his Lego creation fell over and Hailey went up and gave him a hug and rested her head on him to make him feel better.

When Chris and I are talking about things we want to go do (as a family), Ethan keeps saying "But who's going to watch the kids?" Too funny.

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