Sunday, May 3, 2015


Today I discovered that this Lush store (on High St. in Poole, a block from our house) is the original Lush store and where it all began:

For some reason, I (incorrectly) thought that Lush was a Canadian company, I don't know why. Anyways, they formulate and come up with all the new products in the upstairs of this store. Kind of cool!

Hailey was whiny/crying off and on and then Ethan totally had a breakdown about not wanting to walk and I may have lost my cool. We turned in his preschool paperwork and he is going to start on Tuesday (hopefully). His preschool is a mile each way so he's going to have to get used to that walk.

Here Ethan is with the package (with $210 worth of contents) that cost us over $170 in shipping, customs, VAT and whatever else they tacked on. (Lesson learned on that one-I won't be shipping anything else here after that!) Ethan looks pretty excited about it even though it's not for him.

We did however, find these gems for Hailey at a charity shop on the walk home. I got everything for £2.50 ($3.75):

And The Great British Train Game (super heavy and brand new) for £5. Thought this could be fun to play with visitors. Maybe this weekend?

Then I put the kids down for their naps (finally!) and hurried to cut up the henna block into tiny pieces (which took awhile!), mix up the mud-like paste and put it in my hair. Ethan, of course, was not taking his nap today so I put on a movie for him.  It was hard to see what I was doing because this place has bad lighting and tiny little mirrors. Omigosh, henna is messy! The price you go for chemical free I suppose. I then let it sit on my head for 1.5hrs but apparently it wasn't long enough because it didn't seem to color my grays at all and I still had a how-out line from colouring my hair almost 3months ago (I was overdue). Interestingly, henna still darkens for 24hrs. Showering it out is something else as well! The shower wasn't draining very well and I was afraid that this brown dye water was going to start leaking out! Then I had to clean out the whole shower! So now I have to do it again and leave it on for longer (I guess you are supposed to shower beforehand too). I don't know if I'm sold on this yet, will have to see if it works better after application 2. A lot of time/work/mess though!

We got Thai takeaway from the other Thai restaurant and it was phenomenal! Mmm, the best crispy lemon chicken ever! We found our go-to Thai place!

Then my buddy Rocky arrived on the train around 10:30pm and we stayed up really late drinking. We got to laughing so hard! I hadn't seen him for 9yrs but it was like no time had passed.

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